About Us

Being a Hindu in Western Society

  • Most if not all of us immigrated from India and have achieved material success through sacrifice and determination
  • We have raised or are raising our families in a different society from our forefathers, trying to pass along our values, culture, and religion to our children
  • As we age, we ask ourselves: Are we reaching our children? Are they retaining and passing along our teachings and ways to the future generation? If not, how do we address the problem?


Why? –Is the number one question asked by our children?
We need to reach the children at an early age
We ask our kids to worship before they are ready to understand
There is a great need for them to be first taught about worship and the accompanying culture
They need to be taught at young age about culture, tradition, art, philosophy, conduct, and thinking
How do we achieve a self-perpetuating state, where our children and future generations care to participate voluntarily in religious and cultural activities

Sri Krishna Dhama Difference

  • A center focused on the study of Vedantam and the necessary elements of culture, tradition, art, philosophy, conduct, and thinking to give our youth and community a wholistic approach to Sanatana Dharma
  • To educate the youth of the importance of religion and values
  • To create an avenue to exchange cultural values to upgrade the spiritual value of living, and to learn how to live healthy life mentally and physically
  • An organization to promote charitable work and support the community at large.
